sync circuit

英 [sɪŋk ˈsɜːkɪt] 美 [sɪŋk ˈsɜːrkɪt]

网络  同步电路



  1. Usually, it can be adjusted to sync location by the circuit. When the error is 180 °, it may lead to false sync.
  2. Discussion on the sync control circuit of CO_2 arc welding machine abroad
  3. On the property of the TV horizon scan sync circuit
  4. In this paper, the principle of digital phase locked bit sync is discussed at first. Then a simple, efficient circuit of sync system is presented.
  5. Having analysed and contrasted the AFC circuit and the APC circuit, and then having tested and verified it through experiments, the writer advance a new viewpoint: the TV horizon scan sync circuit should belong to APC circuit, but not, as usual, AFC circuit.
  6. The sync control circuit is one of keys to influence stability of trigger system of SCR are welding.
  7. Accepted picture output two streams, from one of which the composite sync outputs needed by chip for video characters overlapping is separated in the video sync separator. The other is input of the video amplifying circuit to drive the signal.